In what ways are the best small SUVs actually beneficial? Well in the first place, the super-miniature size really helps a lot... On tight city streets you can zip here and there, slipping into parking spots that are only a few feet away from where you'd want them. Really, it's just too good for city living by comparison with something like an estate car or your average kind of Asian bus-size motor cars. In second place--the economic system is just jaw-dropping. This means we are looking at less fill-ups per week, so if you don't enjoy those early morning visits to the petrol station throw in this point as well. The elevated driving position lets the driver see over traffic ahead as well as gets an impression for themselves that they are in control. It also has a large trunk and adjustable seating arrangements can transport both passengers or put weary mile 1200km between refueling stops without trouble. So, yes, altogether this is a virtuous circle of economy--one that results in the best small SUV also being among whispered gem but praised compromise of its class. Which is all very nice--so what's wrong with the best mini-SUV after all?The fault of being too smart by half, that's what.
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